Category Archives: Fun


  • Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
  • Why does the Elgin – O’Hare Expressway (in the Chicago area) go to neither Elgin nor O’Hare?
  • Is it just me, or are there more maniacs on the road these days?
  • Who ever came up with rethorical questions anyways?

Microsoft tries to recruit Eric Raymond

Seems that Microsoft is trying to recruit open source advocate Eric Raymond.

My favorite part of his reply to the MS recruiter is this:

I’d thank you for your offer of employment at Microsoft, except that it indicates that either you or your research team (or both) couldn’t get a clue if it were pounded into you with baseball bats. What were you going to do with the rest of your afternoon, offer jobs to Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds? Or were you going to stick to something easier, like talking Pope Benedict into presiding at a Satanist orgy?

Oh well … there are stupider people in the world.

A Comedy Tonight!

We went to see “A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum” yesterday at Marriott Lincolnshire Theater.

It was very good. Lots of energy, good singing, and dancing.

The actor who played Pseudolus was hilarious. He played with the audience, mugged with the other players, and was generally fun to watch.

I highly recommend this play.

As a side note … I finally found out where the tune “A Comedy Tonight” came from. The only time I had previously heard it was when I was a kid on WGN Channel 9. They ran commercials for a block of sit-coms that included Hogans Hero’s and the Dick Van Dyke show. “A Comedy Tonight” ran on the commercial as the theme.

[tags]Theater, Comedy, Musicals[/tags]

Downtown Chicago

As previously posted, I had jury duty today … luckily the court I had to go to was at the Daley Center in downtown Chicago. Easy to get to by train and less than a miles walk.

One of the best things about going downtown is people watching … and at the Daley Center, there is plenty of opportunity.

Here’s a quick synopsis of what I saw …

  • A cute couple … he was 7ft tall at least, she was about 4ft tall … I could tell they were a couple because they were BOTH wearing purple shirts, black pants, and 70’s style sunglasses.
  • A Chicago cop on a segway. Way cool to watch.
  • A group putting on an East Indian cultural demonstration. It was pretty nice … after the speeches were over, there was some dancing demonstrations. One of the dancing groups was quite good and enjoyable to watch. The other, which was comprised mostly of older women, took about 10 minutes just to figure out what they were doing.
  • A woman on a cell phone who held an extended conversation … and seemed to run through all the possible emotions known to man. At one point she was bawling her eyes out, the next she was shouting angrily into the phone, after which she was laughing her head off. I wonder if she had MPD?

[tags]Chicago, People, Downtown[/tags]

Katie the Wonderdog

We had our friend Jill’s dog, Katie, stay with us this weekend … Jill went out of town and we volunteered to take care of her.

Katie was, of course, quite well behaved and fun to have around. She even put up with Ginny and I taking a lot of photos of her.

This picture was taken of her on our dark brown leather couch … she really loved the red pillows. Using my external flash I was able to bounce the light nicely off the ceiling to get the rich, warm, tones I was looking for.

Have I mentioned that Ginny and I are contemplating finding a new four legged friend … perhaps of the canine variety? We need a fence around the back yard first, however.

[tags]Dogs, Animal, Photography[/tags]

My plan to make a million

Here’s my plan to make a million bucks …

  • First, I’m going to take public
  • Then do some good juicy corporate fraud
  • Go to court on a SOX violation
  • Get it overturned on a technicality
  • Retire to Maui on a big golden parachute and some book deals
  • I’ll also do some high level, ‘concept’ consulting, the kind of consulting where companies pay me big bucks and I give them reports that are abstract and obscure … they sound really really good, but are essentially meaningless

Good plan, eh?