Category Archives: Life

Jury Duty

Yes, I got summoned … kind of a pain, but it’s the price you pay for our form of government.

On the bright side … they have a wireless network in the jury room … so at least I can use my laptop.

I’m on panel #1 … so that probably means I’ll be one of the first to be called. Much as I understand the need for jury duty, I really hope I don’t get en-paneled … it would really screw things up at work.

Update 5pm: Didn’t get en-paneled … we waited a while in the courtroom, then they sent us out for lunch (very nice day in downtown Chicago, so I enjoyed lunch) and returned at 2pm. We stayed near the courtroom for about 30 minutes and then the judge came out and thanked us for comming down for the day and that we were excused. The balif was back about 5 minutes later with our ‘pay’ for jury duty.
[tags]Jury Duty, Court[/tags]


I just got an email from my friend Rob Dixon, who lives near London (and in a 800 year old gate house). I had emailed him the day of the London terrorist attacks to check up on him, but only got a response today (he was traveling at the time and didn’t have access to email).

Rob, his wife Pam, and family, are doing fine … but one thing in his email struck me … and I thought it would bear repeating …

As a small child during the war with bombs falling all round us (we lived in Essex), I learnt at an early age that you just have to carry on. The terrorists will never win.

We will and they won’t 🙂


I feel old

I feel really old.

While talking to my folks the other day, they informed me that my nephew Josh has a girlfriend.

Ok, yes, I admit he’s 15 years old … and that’s about the time for a young man to have a girlfriend (not that I did, but I was a pretty late bloomer).

None the less … I remember when he was a baby.

I’ll get over it … eventually 🙂

Living Will

Adam has the right idea here, although he puts a distinctly humorous slant on it.

I’m going to be a bit more serious about it.

Let’s make it perfectly clear here …

Hash: SHA1

I David Michael Gibbs, being of sound mind and body (more or less), do hear-by state the following for the official record:

Should I ever be incapacitated, through injury or illness, to such an extent that I am unable to communicate at any level and the quality of my life is such that I am unable to enjoy it at a reasonable level, I wish that all extraordinary measures be withdrawn so that I may die with dignity. It is my fervent wish that I do not be come a burden on those who I love.

Since the above condition precludes my own participation in the decision process, the sole arbiter of my disposition shall be my wife: Virginia (Ginny) Elaine Gibbs. I would hope that she consult with, and consider advice from, everyone materially involved with my life and the situation (parents, siblings, friends, doctors, etc). I specifically forbid any legal body (court or legislature) from becoming involved, or trying to alter, the decision process.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32) – WinPT 0.9.90


Phew … that was a mouthful.

In all seriousness … I do NOT want anything like the Terri Schiavo garbage going on if I’m in a similar situation.

Update 24-March-2005: I signed the statement with GnuPG so the statement can be verified in the future. You will need my my public key to verify it.

I’m alergic to Los Angeles

Well, the sore throat I had turned into a full blown sinus infection.

Seems like every time I fly through Los Angeles I get a sinus infection. It’s happened the last 3 times we had a layover in LAX.

I’m thinking it’s the pollution … could be the quantity of pollution or just the type.

I won’t bother going to the doctor for this … he ends up giving me anti-biotic and something for the cough, but if I just rest and take OTC cold remedies, it goes away in just about the same amount of time.

I hope Ginny doesn’t catch it.

New spam trick – use an ISP

According to the SpamHaus Project–a U.K.-based antispam compiler of blacklists that block 8 billion messages a day–a new piece of malicious software has been created that takes over a PC. This “zombie” computer is then used to send spam via the mail server of that PC’s Internet service provider. This means the junk mail appears to come from the ISP, making it very hard for an antispam blacklist to block it.

Zombie trick expected to send spam sky-high | CNET

I was afraid something like this was going to happen.

Looks like authenticated mail relaying is going to be mandatory, even inside a network.

The only IP address that will be legitimate for unauthenticated relaying is (localhost) and the mail servers own addresses.