I’ve been using Amazon’s Lightsail service for quite a while now and, in general, I’m quite pleased with it.
There are, however, a few things they really could improve on.
Continue readingI’ve been using Amazon’s Lightsail service for quite a while now and, in general, I’m quite pleased with it.
There are, however, a few things they really could improve on.
Continue readingAs a follow-on to my first post about Amazon Lightsail, here’s some additional information that I’ve discovered…
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Ha! I’ll be you thought this blog was dead.
Well, truth be told, it was pretty close … but you never know when inspiration will strike.
So a little while ago I had a hardware failure on one my servers. This incident has given me the incentive to try and move some of the servers I host to other machines … where I don’t have to worry about the hardware end of things.
To that end, I started looking at hosting providers. One of the providers I’m looking at is Amazon Lightsail.
Amazon Lightsail provides micro instances of their AWS compute service at very good prices.
A 512mb / 20gb Linux instance only costs $5 / month and the first month is free.
So I’ve been playing around with that and like it a lot.
I’ve currently got a handful of sites moved over to Lightsail.
I have encountered a few gotcha’s though …